Happy Anniversary!
I have to apologize for the abundance of movies on this blog recently. But they're just so much fun!
Here's one last one for a while.
It's rather special, I think. It's mostly for M. to watch, but maybe others will enjoy it too.
I have to apologize for the abundance of movies on this blog recently. But they're just so much fun!
Okay, one of you has been all over my blog today. You've registered 135 hits on my blog today, and have worked your way through my archives over several hours.
Three years ago we moved to our fair city, and we quickly began visiting churches in the area. Almost immediately we were confronted with the surprising lack of churches in our area with solid, expository Biblical preaching.
What was her score?
Did she win?Did she have no friends to offer constructive criticism beforehand?Who choreographed the little interpretive dances between solos?Where is Stacy Hedger now?This year we’re studying creation through the fall of Rome in history. So far we’ve made it to Ancient Egypt and have spent the past few weeks reading about mummies and hieroglyphs and pyramids. I’ve really enjoyed reading some of the same books with Brogan that Braden and I read 5 years ago.
Last night our swim club had a practice swim meet or, as Brogan called it, a "fake swim meet." It's mostly for the younger swimmers, to get them used to a swim meet format and practice swimming for times.
Today I'm linking to a song by comedian Anita Renfroe. In this song, she lists everything a mom says in a 24 hour period into two minutes and fifty-five seconds. PLUS she sings it all to the William Tell Overture. It's fantastic!