No Harm Done

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Excuse Me??

It's a shame. It really is. It was a great conversation, and I would've liked to have seen when the speaker's line of thinking would end up, but I was completely sidetracked by a malapropism.

malapropism noun [C] the wrong use of one word instead of
another word because they sound similar to each other, and which is amusing as a

I love good talk radio because it makes me think. On Friday my favorite radio show had a guest host. I've no idea who he was, just that he and his two "co-hosts" were from St. Louis. They were pretty entertaining, and I liked the interaction between the three people.

They spent the morning discussing small-talk-y kinds of topics. Nothing especially earth-shattering or riveting, but then out of nowhere one of them brings up the notion of how cavalier we've become when disccussing God or matters of faith. As a society, we've lost a lot of the reverence that we should have when talking to or about God.

THIS sounded interesting. I listened carefully as they set the discussion up, but completely lost the conversation when the host said, "We talk about God so casually. We talk about Him with a little 'g' instead of with a capital 'G'. He's become just another trite topic. Something we chat mindlessly about over tea and strumpets."

Um...... What?

Tea and strumpets?

My mind was gone; imagining what someone would talk about over tea and strumpets. And in what situation might you find yourself dining with both tea and strumpets.

There's a big difference between strumpets

and crumpets.

And while pondering this, the show went to a commercial. Sigh.


At 10:58 PM , Blogger Dy said...

LMBO!!!!!!!!! Oh, that's priceless!! Absolutely priceless!!


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