No Harm Done

Saturday, August 27, 2005

A Day Well Spent

Have you ever had one of those days where you didn't really accomplish anything, but you had so much fun doing what you did do that it still felt like a great day? That was today. And the day's not over yet!

Last night we stayed up last watching "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang." All the kids enjoyed it, and loved staying up until 10 o'clock. We would've stayed up later but M. and I decided to fast-forward through some of the luvvy-duvvy songs. The boys squirmingly sat through "Hushabye Mountain" but after that they had little patience for "Truly Scrumptious," etc.

This morning, the kids awoke at the crack of dawn (nearly literally), and Braden and I went to the first swim team meeting of the year. The local club has hired a full-time coach, and today was the official meet-and-greet. Braden's eyes were wide at the amount of doughnuts spread out on the tables as we walked in. I remarked, "It's a policeman's dream!", and I was impressed when he laughed at my joke. He actually got that one! :)

After the meeting we headed home, packed up the car with the rest of the family, and headed out to a state park for M.'s company picnic. The park was on a lake, and had a great view of the rolling countryside. The boys found a tiny green frog huddling in fear on the steps of the slide. They patted his tiny back with one finger, and tried to coax him out of the corner, but he was not falling for any of their wily tricks.

The picnic served great barbeque, and had a bounce house and dunk tank. The kids LOVED the dunk tank, and even Braden took a turn getting dunked. M. dared any of his supervisors to dunk him, and then heckled them for the tank. I got in line to dunk him too. (How could I let an opportunity like this pass me by!) After my second throw bounced off the target without actually triggering it, I gave myself an advantage and took two giant steps forward. (What? No. It wasn't cheating.) My final throw put him in the water. Mwahahaha!

We came home hot, sweaty, exhausted, and a wee bit cranky. But we'd had a great day!

On a side note: Brogan has started accompanying himself with a laugh track. He'll say something "funny", and then follow that up with very cheesy, obviously fake laughter. (Think Pee-Wee Herman) I keep hoping to catch it on video, but he never does it when I have the camera out.


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