Kindergarten Open House
It's Open House time for friends and family of the " ______ Classical Academy. "
(On good days we're the "______ Classical Academy." On the tough days I refer to our school as the "________ Juvenile Correctional Facility" or the " ________ Home for Wayward Boys.")
We've nearly finished our first week of school, and today is our kindergartner's time to shine. Colson officially begins school this year, though he's been tagging along with his older brothers for most of his life.
And, yes, your eyes do not deceive you - Colson is missing a couple of teeth. As always, there is a story that accompanies their disappearance, but that is a blog for another day.
Here is the lineup for Colson's school year:
Math- Colson began Singapore Math's Primary Math 1A last spring, and this fall he's finishing up 1A and moving into 1 B. Math is one of his favorite subjects, I think because there are workbooks involved. Workbooks seem to make everything more important.
Music- Colson is over halfway through the primer level book of Faber's Piano Adventures. He's excited because once he finished this level, he can have a "real" piano teacher. (As opposed to just having me be his teacher.)
Reading- Colson is working through "Phonics Pathways." (This is the same book I used to teach Braden and Brogan to read. Fantastic book. Thank you, Delores Hiskes, for writing this thorough teaching tool! ) Colson is almost ready to begin reading stories from the Pathway Readers basal series. These two resources have helped to create other voracious readers in our home, and I'm confident Colson will be joining them this year.
Coming soon: Third and Eighth Grades!!
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