No Harm Done

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Alphabet Meme about Me, me, me.

A is for Age - 34
B is for Booze - Wine coolers only. Sometimes. Once or twice a year, maybe.
C is for Career - Mother
D is for Dad’s name - Frank
E is for Essential Items to Bring to a Party - Caffeine Free Coke
F is for Favorite Song at the Moment - Mambo #5 (As sung by Bob the Builder. How sad.)
H is for Hometown - Boise, ID
I is for Instrument You Play - A very little bit of piano..
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like - raspberry preserves.
K is for Kids - Three blessings :o)
L is for Living Arrangement - Raised ranch, three bedroom, 2 baths
M is for Mom’s Name - Ellie
N is for Names of Best Friends - Yes, I know my best friends' names.
O is for overnight Hospital Stays - Three births, one serious bout with pneumonia in 1986.
P is for Phobias - Fire, so much so that I've never learned how to light something with a match. It's only as an adult that I can be in the same room with flame without getting a stomachache and jitters.
Q is for Quote You Like - "Do the next thing." (Quoted often by Elizabeth Elliot
R is for Relationship That Lasted Longest - Other than siblings, I have been friends with Dana since1988. M. and I have been married for nearly 13 years.I've been friends with Julie and Melissa for 10 years or so.
S is for Siblings - One sister and two brothers.
U is for Unique Trait - I can touch my nose with my tongue.
V if for Vegetable You Love - Artichokes!
W is for Worst Trait - I'm a perfectionist, but more demanding of others than of myself. *Sigh*
X - is for XRays You’ve Had - Teeth, arm, and lungs.
Y is for Yummy Food You Make - Lasagne, Beer Cheese Fondue, and Beef Stew.
Z is for Zodiac Sign - Scorpio, but I don't believe in astrology.

Please feel free to take this to your site to answer. Or post your answers in the comments section.


At 1:23 PM , Blogger Mallory said...

This is fun!! I'm going to have to copy your genius and put it on my site!


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