Dear Readers, I Think I Have Found My Theme Song
I found this video recently, and showed it to the boys. As we're all watching and giggling, I'm looking at the man dancing in the background and thinking, "Hey! Is that Donny Osmond? It looks like Donny Osmond. " (I had a big crush on him when I was little, and I still think he is waaaaaay too handsome.)
Anyway, I'm pondering Donny and his good looks when Colson says, "Mama, he dances like you!"
"What? No, he doesn't!" I'm a bit startled, because that is NOT how I imagine myself when I dance. (I do dance a bit in the kitchen when I'm making lunch or waiting for one of the boys to finish schoolwork. Colson is quite an enthusiastic dancer!)
Braden says, in all sincerity, "Hey, yeah, he does! Right down to the facial expressions!"
Sigh.... all my illusions of being hip and cool were shattered. But at least I've found an edgy theme song!
Did the boys comment on the fact that the Schrodinger wave equation is in the background on some of those shots?
So do you dance like the nerdy guy behind the rapper - the dude w/ big arm movements and crazy facial expressions?
Wow, I should really take advantage of all the dance lessons available through the U of I.
Word to your husband.
Paul, I can't believe you knew that! I should believe it, though; brilliant scientist that you are! :)
However, I *think* there's an error. If you look closely, it appears that Planck's constant is displayed in place of Dirac's constant.
Hillary :)
I take a periodic table and physical chemisty textbook everywhere.
The portion of the equation in brackets is known as the Hamiltonian operator. 'h' is commonly known as Plank's constant; and mu (the Greek letter looking like a 'u') should be the reduced mass of the bound atoms. Technically, 'h' should not be there, but its sister constant 'h-bar' should, where 'h-bar' = h/(2*pie). If the reduced mass, mu, in their equation is defined as the actual reduced mass *(2*pie)^2 then the equation is correct. Normally, though, the reduced mass is not multiplied by square of 2*pie and so they're probably wrong.
Is that clear?
Oh, and you're right, h-bar = Dirac's constant. Good call, Mrs. H. I'm very, very impressed. Make sure to let the boys know about the error, you don't want them doing ab initio quantum mechanics calculations incorrectly.
I think you'll find this video interesting:
I had dinner with the speaker yesterday evening before the he gave a lecture to our Graduate fellowship.
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